So I had this idea since I've always liked writing about my dreams in LJ--why not write AND illustrate them? This is a variation on what Marshall Vandruff said once (which he learned from another artist--he only used four panels). So I did some quick sketches in Skecthbook Pro during work today based off the dream I had the other night:
I was disguised as a sexy lady spy taking down Nazis with a flamethrower.
I had to escape the building I was in because my mission was to collapse it--except it never came down so my mission was a failure.
I escaped out and found myself on the Cal State Fullerton campus--luckily there was some event going on with people everywhere so I was able to take off my sexy lady spy disguise and blend in.
I ventured to the far Southwest side of campus where it was now some kind of sea port. There, I got into a physical confrontation with an alien life form from another planet as we were teleported to his home world...
Seriously though, I couldn't make this stuff up if I tried...
Then again, I did, didn't I? Subconsciously anyway. So I don't even have to try--probably because I am such a natural
p.s. More of these kinds of entries to come--whenever I have a dream worth telling that is, so it will be random. But I do have a back log of dreams that I have written down on LJ sooo who knows.
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