Saturday, March 27, 2010

Because We All Know How Much I Love Life Drawing...

I had received an e-mail earlier this week letting me know that Nickelodeon was going to have uninstructed costumed life drawing on Wednesdays from 12 - 2. And I sat back in my seat and thought to myself:
"And I thought I couldn't love that place any more..."

Basically, it's a very casual just-come-in-and-draw-during-your-lunch-hour kind of thing.
The model was in a 60's type of get-up AND she brought a Beatles CD in for background music. I seriously had to force myself to get back to work because I wanted to stay the whole two hours...

I had a pretty good drawing hour (these copies aren't that good, the drawings actually look much better in my skecthbook). I have been focusing on line-of-action and tilt of the hips and shoulders (like Joel has been going over), and I think it is definitely putting some real life into my drawings.

On another note, I fell in love that day and it was a thing of beauty....

For drawing utensils I brought along a felt tip pen, sakura liner, copic skectch, and my usual .7mm mechanical pencil (which I know I shouldn't draw with, but it's just so convenient not to have to sharpen anything).

Anyways, I wasn't feeling the ink at first, so I went back and grabbed a few pencils from the main desk in the Dora the Explorer lounge. I grabbed a Tombo Mono 4B and a 6B. And I have to admit that that 6B just felt so right drawing with. It gave me a soft subtle line when needed, and a thick commanding line when I wanted it (like I said--those copies don't give the drawings justice).

(a set like this of 12 pencils costs $25 but I REALLY want some....... maybe I can find them cheaper...)

The 4B wasn't too bad, but I felt like it was raspier against the paper--but the 6B was smooth as silk. I read somewhere the other day that 6B pencils are actually the weapon of choice for animators because you need that dark commanding line (especially when light boxing) and on top of that, it gives you a much more expressive line quality.

I usually just drawing with a bunch of #2 pencils, mostly because I get a bunch for free, but they are just not the same!


Thursday, March 25, 2010

Not a Procrastinator

I am not a procrastinator.
I'm not. Honest.

I get things done as they need to be.

So when I say I have been up all night long painting it is not because I am a procrastinator--it's because with my schedule of only having one day for homework, I can only really work one project a week. And if I were to have two projects due within the same week (as was the case this week--*note High Strike animation), I would have to... oh... I dunno budget my time accordingly.

And it appears that in the economy of my life, my sleep budget is in a recession...

A bit of an ugly illustration that I will probably have to re-do.

I wonder why I tend to hate my work so much?

My animation is fun though.

Anyways, too late for sleep, too early for breakfast.......


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

It's Hammer Time!

(3 hours of traffic for ten minutes of beer floats--SO worth it!)

Birthday shenanigans went very well.
Midnight Pho in Santa Ana -> Sleep in Ontario -> Work in Walnut ->Beer Floats in West L.A. -> BBQ Dinner in Chino Hills -> Drinks in Pomona

Good times & great company.

Rough animation pencil test for character animation project 2.

Senorismo Contra El High Strike from Calixto Ortiz on Vimeo.

I'm probably going to make my next animation half as long--I don't have time for all this drawing!
Spring break soon.
(Graduation soon after!)

And on that note, I have a painting to--erm--paint!

Later animators.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

In Currentish Events

(a bit of a work in progress that I already turned it--but I'm not sure if I want to finish it..)
Today in Life Drawing at Nick, I drew some very exaggerated drawings. At least much more exaggerated than I am used to. I'll keep pushing forward, but I like where this is headed.

(my drawings were left behind at the studio--so I can't share them... yet)

On another note:
Lots of drawing too--but nothing really to share yet.

Life is just one thing after another, but it's not even bothering me because it will ALL be over in just two short (however jammed-pack) months.

So much to do

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Animtion Repostation

Vimeo was suggested to me by a colleague for posting videos and is a much better alternative to youtube.

The animation isn't changed (although it still could use a little tweaking...)

Maurice the Flying Kid from Calixto Ortiz on Vimeo.